Criticism on government intervention and its policies in perspective of law and economics

CFE / 2020-02-03

CFE held a seminar "Criticism on government intervention and its policies in perspective of law and economics" on Jan 31st. It was in conjunction with collegiate legal academia “Lead”. Law and economics expert Prof. Kim Chung-ho shared his insight on basics of law and economics and their applications. In response 4 panels, all college students, have expressed and presented on their researches in the field of law and economics. The first was on the integration of legal methodology encompassing law and economics. The second was about the application of law and economics on criminal law. The third and the last focused on specific laws such as malfeasance in office and intellectual property.



NO. Title Writer Date
28 Criticism on government intervention and its policies in perspective of law and economics
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CFE 2020-02-03
27 CFE`s semina "Economic reform of Macron`s and its application in Korea"
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26 The year-end talk of CFE "Individuals and Freedoms in the AI Era"
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25 2019 Freedom Night event
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24 The 22nd Free Market Column Contest
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23 "Planning for Freedom" newly published by CFE
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22 Interview with Dr. Tom Palmer of Atlas Network
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21 Video footage of `Why Liberty` Book Party
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20 Book Party for `Why Liberty`
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CFE 2019-09-05
19 Book Party with Dr. Tom Palmer
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CFE 2019-08-14
18 A brand new look of CFE
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CFE 2019-08-13
17 "Man, Economy, and State" Book Concert
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CFE 2019-07-23
16 "The Road to Serfdom" is one of the bestsellers in major bookstores in Korea.
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15 Murray N. Rothbard`s `Man, Economy, and State` released
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14 South Korea: Liberal Market Economy or Welfare State?
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